Remember that 'la' makes the sentence passive,
Waan cunay - I ate it
Waa la cunay - It was eaten
'La' combines with prepositions 'u', 'la', 'ku', 'ka'
la + u = 'loo' for someone/something
la + ku = 'lagu' by means of something
la + la = 'lala' with someone/something
la + ka = 'laga' from/out of something
Yaa dhisey? - Who built it?
Yaa loo dhisey? - For whom was it built?
Remember that to say 'why' in Somali is 'Maxaa...u'. This can be combined with the passive 'la', to make passive 'Why?' questions.
Maxaa la cunay? - What was eaten?
Maxaa loo cunay? - Why was it eaten?
Maxaa la keenay? - What was brought?
Maxaa loo keenay? = Why was it brought?
Maxaa la dhigey? - What was it taught?
Maxaa loo dhigey? - Why was it taught?
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