Tuesday, 3 July 2012

Verb practice - doon (to want)

Waxaan dooneyaa inaan tago Baariis - I want to go to Paris
Waxaad dooneysaa inaad tagto  - You want...
Wuxuu dooneyaa inuu tago - He wants...
Waxay dooneysaa inay tagto - She wants...
Waxaanu dooneynaa inaanu tagno - We want...
Waxeynu dooneynaa inaanu tagno - We want...
Waxaad dooneysaan inaad tagtaan - You want...
Waxay dooneyaan inay tagaan - They want...

Aad baan u dooneyaa inaan tago Baariis - I really want to go to Paris
Aad baan u dooneyey inaan tago Baariis - I really wanted to go to Paris
Ma dooneyo inaan tago Baariis - I don't want to go to Paris

Maan dooneyn inaan tago Baariis - I didn't want to go to Paris
Maad dooneyn inaad tagto Baariis - He didn't want to go to Paris
Muu dooneyn inuu tago Baariis - He didn't want to go to Paris
Mey dooneyn inay tagto Baariis- She didn't want to go to Paris
Maannu dooneyn inaanu tagno Baariis - We didn't want to go to Paris
Meynu dooneyn inaanu tagno Baariis - We didn't want to go to Paris
Maad dooneyn inaad tagtaan Baariis - You didn't want to go to Paris
Mey dooneyn inay tagaan Baariis - They didn't want to go to Paris


  1. Asalamu walaikum! For a absolute beginner where should I start off? What year and month of your blog posts ? JZk

  2. Assalamu alaikum! Yes, I agree the structure is a little confusing. Roughly speaking, the earlier posts deal with the basic grammatical features and vocab of the language. But if you're serious about learning Somali, you are better off getting a Somali textbook. At the moment I am trying to cover the parts of the language that the books don't. All the best. Garabkaaga!

    1. Thanks for the quick reply. Yes I am serious about learning the language and I was wondering if you could recommend me some textbooks?

  3. The best Somali textbook is called "Somali Textbook" by David Zorc and Abdillahi Issa. But it is really really expensive because it is rare. Usually, most people opt for "Colloquial Somali" by Martin Orwin, which is also good. Both these books help you understand the grammar, but can't help with pronunciation and aural comprehension. Youtube now has many programmes in Somali, like this one http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lJodNRBE8sQ.

  4. Thank you so much!!!

    JazakAllah Khair
