Thursday, 13 June 2013

Another Danish article - Dumar badan ayaa ragga garaaca

Dumar badan ayaa ragga garaaca

Many women hit men


 Marka rabshado ka dhacaan guriga gudihiisa ee la is waydaarsado dharbaaxooyin, garaacis iyo aflegaaddo, xaalado ka badan sida la filayo, dumarka ayaa gacanta iyo aflegaadada gaysta.


When disturbances occur inside the home,  and blows, beatings and insults are exchanged, more often than is commonly believed it is the women who are the ones perpetrating the abuse.


Sidu sheegay ururka 'Dialog mod Vold', oo ka shaqeeya sidii loo joojin lahaa rabshadaha guryaha gudahooda, shantii rabshadood ay maareeyeenba mid ayay qof dumar ahi gacanta ama aflegaadada gaysatay sannadkii 2012.


 According to Dialogue against Violence, a counselling and therapy centre that works to put a stop to violence inside the home, one in five perpetrators of domestic abuse undergoing therapy with them in 2012 were women. 


 Teeda kale dhibbanayaasha ragga way ku adag tahay, inay raadsadaan caawimo, waayo waa arrin aan afka la soo marin oo laga sheexo, in ninku sheego inay garaacday gabadhiisu, markaasoo loo arkayo nin aan caadi ahayn.


 “It’s especially hard for male victims of abuse to reach out for help because of the taboo and the association of not being a real man if you’re hit by a woman,” she added.



dumar(ka) - women

rag(ga)  - men

dharbaaxooyin - blows(physical)

garaacis - beatings

aflegaaddo - insults

urur(ka) - organisation

Useful phrases
 guriga gudihiisa - inside the home, domestic
rabshadaha guryaha gudahooda - domestic violence
xaalado ka badan sida la filayo - more often than thought
waa arrin aan afka la soo marin - it's taboo (lit. "it is a matter which does not pass the mouth")

Wednesday, 5 June 2013

Danish news article - Where are the gangs?

Bil cidna isma toogan: Meeye baandooyinki?

For a month no gunfire: Where are the gangs?

Bil ka hor maalin arbaca ah ayaa ugu danbaysay is rasaasayntii ugu danbaysay ee xiisadaha baandooyinka.

Wednesday marked one month since the last shots were fired in connection with the recent gang conflict.

Tan iyo bilawgii sannadka cusub, baandooyinka Kobanheegan iyo agagaarkeeda ayaa is rasaaseeyay in ka badan 40 jeer, sida lagu sheegay DR Nyheder. Laakiin maanta bil ayaa ka soo wareegtay mudadda aan la maqlin is rasaasaynta baandddooyinka xiisaduhu dhex yaalliin.

Since the New Year, gangs in the greater Copenhagen area have shot at each other more than 40 times, according to DR News. However, it has now been a month since the gangs last opened fire as a result of an internal conflict.

Waxa aannu u malaynaynaa, inay ku wada hadleen, in aanay isu toogan qaabkii hore. Waxa lagu yaabaa, inay khaati iska taageen bilayska, ayuu ku yidhi Michael Ask, oo madax ka ah xarunta debnibaadhista qaranka.

“It is our opinion that they (the gangs, ed.) may have come to the conclusion that shooting at each other doesn’t accomplish anything. They may have realised that being under constant surveillance by police is a nuisance in itself,” said Michael Ask, head of the Danish National Police Investigation Centre, to DR. dk.
Dhawr baando ayaa bilihii ugu danbeeyay is hayay - xiisadahaas oo dhawr jeer la isku rasaaseeyay, laba dhallinyaro ahina ku waayeen naftooda, waxay bilaysku ku tilmaameen, inay dhex marayeen baandada 'Loyal to Familia' iyo baandada 'Værebros Hårde Kerne'.

In recent months, several gangs have been in conflict with each other, but the conflict which police believe to have caused the majority of the shootouts and which has claimed the lives of two young men is the conflict between gangs Loyal to Familia and Værebros Hårde Kerne.

bil ka hor - a month ago
meeye - where is/are?
ugu danbaysay(also 'dambaysey') - the latest
xiisad(da) - crisis, riot, chaos
tan iyo - since
agagaar(ka) - surroundings
ka soo wareegay - transfer, move away
 - bil ayaa ka soo wareegay - a month has passed

Sunday, 2 June 2013

dib...u - again

The word construction 'dib...u' can be used to say 'again'

Dib u samee - Do it again

Waa inaad dib u eego applicationkiisa - You should review his application

Qaxootiga Soomaaliyeed oo Kenya joogaa waxay doonayaan inay dib loogu celiyo Soomaliya
Somali refugees living in Kenya want to be sent back to Somalia 

Saturday, 1 June 2013

Mar hore - Already, Mar keliya - Just once

The word for 'already' in Somali is 'mar hore'. 'Mar' means '(a)time' and 'hore' means 'before'. So it literally means 'a time before'.

Waad i siisey mar hore - You already gave (it) to me

Waan tagey Mareykanka mar hore - I've already been to America

Waan dhameyey shaqadii mar hore - I've already finished the work

To say you've done something just one time, use 'mar keliya'

Waxaan la kulmay boqoradda mar keliya
I've met the Queen only once

Shirkadaha Roodhidu waxay kordhiyeen qiimaha ay ku Iibiyaan mar keliya.
The bakery businesses have increased the prices that are selling just once.

Wuu akhriyey buugga la yiraahdo "War and Peace" mar keliya.
He read the book called "War and Peace" just once.