Dumar badan ayaa ragga garaaca
Many women hit men
Marka rabshado ka dhacaan guriga gudihiisa ee la is waydaarsado dharbaaxooyin, garaacis iyo aflegaaddo, xaalado ka badan sida la filayo, dumarka ayaa gacanta iyo aflegaadada gaysta.
When disturbances occur inside the home, and blows, beatings and insults are exchanged, more often than is commonly believed it is the women who are the ones perpetrating the abuse.
Sidu sheegay ururka 'Dialog mod Vold', oo ka shaqeeya sidii loo joojin lahaa rabshadaha guryaha gudahooda, shantii rabshadood ay maareeyeenba mid ayay qof dumar ahi gacanta ama aflegaadada gaysatay sannadkii 2012.
According to Dialogue against Violence, a counselling and therapy centre that works to put a stop to violence inside the home, one in five perpetrators of domestic abuse undergoing therapy with them in 2012 were women.
Teeda kale dhibbanayaasha ragga way ku adag tahay, inay raadsadaan caawimo, waayo waa arrin aan afka la soo marin oo laga sheexo, in ninku sheego inay garaacday gabadhiisu, markaasoo loo arkayo nin aan caadi ahayn.
“It’s especially hard for male victims of abuse to reach out for help because of the taboo and the association of not being a real man if you’re hit by a woman,” she added.
dumar(ka) - women
rag(ga) - men
dharbaaxooyin - blows(physical)
garaacis - beatings
aflegaaddo - insults
urur(ka) - organisation
Useful phrases
guriga gudihiisa - inside the home, domestic
rabshadaha guryaha gudahooda - domestic violence
xaalado ka badan sida la filayo - more often than thought
waa arrin aan afka la soo marin - it's taboo (lit. "it is a matter which does not pass the mouth")
Qof aakhiyaar aad tahay MashAllah