Wednesday 27 October 2010

A Few Words in Advance

Disclaimer: I'm not a native Somali speaker. But I grew up listening to it, and I want to deepen my knowledge of this language. At the same time I hope I can help those of you who are learning Somali(and you can help me as well), and throw in a few cultural points of interest. Since I am not a native speaker I am basing my blog posts on a few textbooks that I have studied from. You can ask me questions; if I don't know I will say so but will try to find out by asking my family or other native speakers. Probably no one will visit this site, but since there are still few places on the internet where you can find resources about the Somali language, I hope this site will be one of them. That's the goal. Wish me luck.


  1. As you say, there are few places on the internet for somali language resources, and for that each one counts. So i wish you all the luck in the world. Viva Af Soomaali!!!
