Remember that,
Maxay kula tahay? - What do you think? What's your opinion(about it)?
You can answer the question by starting with,
Waxay ila tahay... - In my opinion...
For example,
Waxay ila tahay inaad noqoto dhaktar
- In my opinion, you should become a doctor.
Waxay ila tahay inaad barato af Soomaali
- In my opinion, you should study Somali.
Waxay ila tahay inaad joojiso sigaarka
- In my opinion, you should stop smoking.
Waxay ila tahay inaad guursato gabartaas
- In my opinion, you should marry that girl.
Waxay ila tahay inaad tagto dalka Mareykanka
- In my opinion, you should go to America.
Waxay i la tahay - What she is with me is...(Literal translation)
The reason I think 'maxay kula tahay'/'waxay ila tahay' are feminine, is because we are talking about 'arrinta' ('the matter') which is a feminine word. If however, you are talking about something masculine, you have to change it to 'muxuu kula yahay'/'wuxuu ila yahay'.
Baarbuurkayga cusub, muxuu kula yahay? - What do you think of my new car?
Sunday, 19 February 2012
Friday, 10 February 2012
Maxaa kugu dhacay - What happened to you?
Quick post - to say in Somali 'What happened?', we say,
Maxaa dhacay?
If you want to say, 'What happened to you?', we say,
Maxaa kugu dhacay? - What happened to you?
'kugu' is a combination of 'ku' (you) and 'ku' (preposition: 'to, with, by means of'). When you put the two ku's together, they become 'kugu'.
Him, her and them don't have object pronouns, so if you want to say 'What happened to him/her/them?' , just use the preposition 'ku',
Maxaa ku dhacay? - What happened to him/her/them?
Other combinations,
Maxaa igu dhacay? - What happened to me?
Maxaa idinku dhacay? - What happened to you(plural)?
Maxaa nagu dhacay? - What happened to us(exclusive; not very common)?
Maxaa inagu dhacay? - What happened to us (inclusive; much more common)?
Maxaa dhacay?
If you want to say, 'What happened to you?', we say,
Maxaa kugu dhacay? - What happened to you?
'kugu' is a combination of 'ku' (you) and 'ku' (preposition: 'to, with, by means of'). When you put the two ku's together, they become 'kugu'.
Him, her and them don't have object pronouns, so if you want to say 'What happened to him/her/them?' , just use the preposition 'ku',
Maxaa ku dhacay? - What happened to him/her/them?
Other combinations,
Maxaa igu dhacay? - What happened to me?
Maxaa idinku dhacay? - What happened to you(plural)?
Maxaa nagu dhacay? - What happened to us(exclusive; not very common)?
Maxaa inagu dhacay? - What happened to us (inclusive; much more common)?
Sunday, 5 February 2012
Buugga af Soomaaliga (Somali textbook)
Fasax baan qaadanayaa ee raali ahow. Laakiin, waan idiin kula talinayaa inaad iibsataan buuggan oo 'Somali Textbook' la yiraahdo. Buuggan waxaa ku jiraa waxyaalo badan oo fiican. Haddaan dooneysaan inaad si fiican uga hadashaan af Soomaaliga, waa inaad heshaan buuggan. Nabad gelyo.
I have to take a bit of a break, but in the meantime, I recommend that you purchase 'Somali Textbook' by David Zorc and Abdillahi Issa. It has everything you need to become a proficient Somali speaker. It is a bit expensive but it is a must for anyone who is serious about becoming fluent in Somali. Nabad.
Thursday, 2 February 2012
Xeebta Muqdisho (Mogadishu Beach)
Halkani waad arki kartaan sawirro ee Xeebta Muqdisho
(Here you can see pictures of Mogadishu Beach). 'Beach' waa af Soomali 'xeeb' baa la yiraahdaa. Muqdisho baa leh xeebaha ugu qurxoon Afrika (Mogadishu has the most beautiful beaches in Africa).
(Here you can see pictures of Mogadishu Beach). 'Beach' waa af Soomali 'xeeb' baa la yiraahdaa. Muqdisho baa leh xeebaha ugu qurxoon Afrika (Mogadishu has the most beautiful beaches in Africa).
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