Wednesday, 2 November 2011

Another BBC article

Another article from the BBC website, this time about the death of Steve Jobs.

Steve Jobs oo geeriyooday (Steve Jobs has passed away)

Aasaasihii iyo madaxii hore ee shirkadda Apple, Steve Jobs ayaa geeriyooday isaga oo 56 jir ah. Madaxweyne Obama ayaa sheegay in caalamku waayay nin aragti dheer lahaa.


 'Aasaasihii' means 'the founder'. 'Madaxii'= 'the head' (exactly as in English, 'madax' refers to the physical head and the head of an organisation), 'hore' ='before, former' . The first sentence translated is, 'The founder and former head of the company Apple, Steve Jobs has passed away at the age of 56'. 'Madaxweyne' literally means 'big head' but has come to mean 'president'. 'Caalam' = 'world', 'waayay' = 'to lose', 'aragti' = 'view/sight', 'dheer' = 'long'. 'Lahaa' is a verb which means 'to possess'. The second sentence reads, 'President Obama said that the world has lost a farsighted man(visionary)'.

Bogagga bulshada ee internetka ayaa waxa buuxiyay farriimo ku saabsan dhimashada Steve Jobs, oo dhawaan iska casilay jagadii uu hayay ee Madaxa shirkadda Apple.


'bog' = 'page', 'bogagga' = 'the pages' , 'bulshada' = 'community', 'buuxiyay' (verb) = 'to be full', 'farriimo' = 'messages', 'ku saabsan' = 'about', 'dhawaan' = 'recently', 'iska casilay' = 'to resign', 'jagada(dii)' = 'position', 'hay' = 'to hold'. The sentence reads, 'Pages of the internet community are full of messages about the death of Steve Jobs, who recently resigned his position he held as head of Apple'.

Steve waxa in muddo ah baa hayay cudurka Cancer. Waxa uu ku dhintay gobolka California ee dalka Mareykanka.


'in muddo ah' = 'for a certain period', 'cudur' = 'disease', 'gobol' = 'region/state', 'dal' = 'country'. The full sentence is, 'Steve had had cancer for a while. He died in the state of California in the United States'.

Here is the link for the original website,

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