Monday, 21 November 2011

dayaxii iyo balligii

Akhri sheekada oo ka jawaab su'aalaha

akhri - read
sheeko - story
ka jawaab - to answer
su'aalaha - the questions
dayaxii - the sun
balligii - the pond
beri beriyaha ka mid ah - once upon a time
nin socota ahi/ihi - a traveller

safar - a journey

bax - go out
galab - afternoon
yimid - he came
tuulo - a hamlet/small village
wareegso - to surround
dad - people
badan - many
waxay gacmaha ku haysteen - they had in their hands
Waxay lahaayeen - They were saying
Na caawi - Help us
Maxaa dhacay - What happened/What's wrong?(literally 'What's fallen?')
dhacay - to fall
saari kari weyney - couldn't fetch it out
jawaab - answer
masaakiin - poor fools/wretches
Fiiri cirka! - look at the sky!
Waa kaa - there it is
weli - still
joogaa - to be present
weli halkiisii buu joogaa - it is still there
mey/ma ay dheygeysan - they didn't listen
Iska tag! - get out of here!
jidkaaga mar! - be on your way/ hit the road!

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