Sunday, 8 January 2012

I am - I was

Waxaan ahay - Waxaan ahaa
       I am                 I was
Waxaad tahay - Waxaad ahayd
      You are           You were
Wuxuu yahay - Wuxuu ahaa
     He is                  He was
Waxay tahay -  Waxay ahayd
     She is                 She was
Waxaanu nahay - Waxaanu ahayn
     We(excl.) are      We(excl.) were
Waxeynu nahay - Waxeynu ahayn
   We(incl.) are         We(incl.) were
Waxaad tihiin -  Waxaad ahaydeen
   You are                 You were
Waxay yihiin - Waxay ahaayeen
   They are              They were

Maxaad qaban jirtey markaad Japan joogtey?
What were you doing when you were in Japan?
Waxaan ahaa ardey.
I was a student.


  1. Gala an wanaagsan! Mahadsanid for posting this. Its nice to have this structured. You should do it with all the crazily irregular verbs. "you" in plural should be "waxaydin" instead of "waxaydin" I think?
    I like!

  2. Sorry for all the tipos that my phone. Hope you still got me.

  3. Galab wanaagsan! I do want to do the same for irregular verbs in a way that is easy to digest. As for 'waxaydin', when I started learning Somali, I was also using 'waxaydin' etc, but other people said it was strange, and that it is better to use 'waxaad' etc for 2nd person plural. I think words like 'waxaydin' are used perhaps only for very formal occasions. My mother also said it is better and more natural to use 'waxaad' instead of 'waxaydin' when talking.
