Friday, 16 March 2012

Weli - still

'Weli' means 'still' . You can use it in both the positive and negative sense.

Weli lacag baan haystaa - I still have some money
Weli gurigaas baan leeyahay - I still have that house
Weli caruur baan dooneyaa - I still want children
Weli hilib lo'aad buu cunaa - He still eats beef
Weli af Soomali bey ku hadlaan - They still speak Somali

'Maan tegin' means 'I didn't go'. But if you put 'weli' in front of it, it becomes 'Weli maan tegin' - I haven't gone yet (but there is still a possibility I might go)

Weli maan tegin - I still haven't gone
Weli muu cunin cuntadiisa - He still hasn't eaten his meal
Weli maan guursannin - I still haven't got married
Weli mey kuma hadlaan af Soomali - They still don't speak Somali 
Weli muu hadlin - He still hasn't spoken