Thursday, 1 March 2012

Xaggee (noun) laga helaa? - Where can I get (noun)?

If you want to ask someone how to get something in Somali, a common phrase is,

Xaggee (noun) laga helaa? - Where does one get (noun)from?

The verb 'hel' means 'to get/obtain'. 'laga' is the fusion of two prepositions; 'la' makes the sentence passive, and 'ka' (from). 

Xaggee buuggan laga helaa? - Where does one get this book?
Xaggee baabuurkan laga helaa? - Where do I get this car?
Xaggee ticket laga helaa? - Where do I get a ticket?
Xaggee biyo laga helaa? - Where does one get water?

Another similar phrase is to use 'heli karaa' (able to get)

Xaggee bus laga heli karaa? - Where can I get a bus?
Xaggee cabbitaan laga heli karaa? - Where can I get a drink?
Xaggee cunto laga heli karaa?  
- Where can one get food?

You can move the object to the end of the sentence,

Xaggee laga heli karaa shaqo? - Where can one get a job?
Xaggee laga heli karaa fursad? - Where can I get an opportunity?
Xaggee laga heli karaa caawinaad? - Where can I get help?

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