Wednesday, 29 May 2013

Sheeko - Saaxiibaddii (A story - The Friends)

Waxaa jirey laba nin oo saaxiib ah oo midkoodna uusan wax xoolo ah lahayn. Berigii dambe baa midkood weydiiyey kii kale:

There were once two men who were friends and neither of them had any wealth. One day, one of them asked the other:

"War hebelow, maxaad ugu jeclaan lahayd inaad heshid intaad nooshahay?"

"Tell me, what's the thing you want most while you're alive?"

"Waxaan jeclay inaan helo ari badan oon caano iyo hilib ka helo doog iyo jiilaalba." buu ku jawaabay.

"I wish I could have a lot of sheep and goats, so that I could have milk and meat all year round" , he replied.

"War adna, maxaad jeclaan lahayd inaad heshid?", kii kale baa isna la weydiiyey.

"And you, what would you like to have most", the other was asked.

"Waxaan jeclaan lahaa inaan helo raxan yey ah oo arigaaga cunta", buu ku jawaabay.

"I wish I owned I pack of wolves that would eat up all your sheep and goats.", he replied.

"War maxaad yeyda arigayga u cunsiinaysaa, ma sidaas baynu saaxiibo ku nahay?", buu weydiiyey kii labaad isaga oo caraysan.

"But why do you wish your wolves to eat my livestock, do you call that 'friendship'", the other asked angrily.

"Maxaa yeelay, keligaa baa ariga oo dhan isla damcayoo waxba iga maad siin anoo saaxiibkaa ah", buu ku jawaabay kii kowaad. Ka dib, way isu caroodeen oo dirireen, ilaa ay iska daaleen oo midba dhinac u dhacay.

"That's because you want to keep all the herds to yourself and you didn't give me anything, even though I'm your best friend", the first man replied. Then, they both got angry and fought with each other, until they both got tired and collapsed.

"War maxaynu isku dileynaa?", midkood baa weydiiyey kii kale.

"What were we fighting for?" one of them asked the other.

"Rajo keli ah!", buu kii kale ku jawaabay.

"Only a wish!", answered the other.


war(or 'warya') - hey there (used towards males; to women, you say 'naaya'
uusan - not (used in relative clauses)
Berigii dambe - one day
intaad nooshalay - while you live
weydii - to ask
is damac - to keep for oneself
rajo - wish, hope

Waxaan jeclaan lahaa inaan noqo qof hodon ah.
I would have wanted to become a rich person.

Waxaan jeclaan lahaa inaan tago Mareykanka.
I would have wanted to go to America. 

Idinkuna, maxaad ugu jeclaan lahaydeen inaad hesheen intaad nooshihiin?

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