Monday, 21 February 2011

Change of 'ka' to 'ha'

If the masculine noun ends in a vowel other than 'o', change the vowel to 'a', and add 'ha' to the end of the noun.

fure                - key             furaha - the key    
buste             - blanket        bustaha - the blanket
madaxweyne - president     madaxweynaha - the president
hilibl           - butcher        hiliblaha - the butcher
aabbe           - father           aabbaha - the father

When the noun has already been mentioned or is known to the listener, change the vowel at the end to'i' and add 'hii'

furihii  - the key
bustihii - the blanket
madaxweynihii - the president
hiliblihii - the butcher
aabbihii - the father

Bustihii meeyey - Where is the blanket?
Furihii baan illaawey - I forgot the key

If the masculine noun ends in 'o', change 'o' to 'a', then add 'ha'.

biyo -water          biyaha - the water
xoolo -livestock   xoolaha -the livestock
gacmo -hands      gacmaha - the hands

When the listener is aware of the noun, change end vowel to 'i' and add 'hii'

biyihii    - the water
xoolihii  - the livestock
gacmihii - the hands

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