Wednesday, 23 February 2011

Dadka Soomaaliyeed iyo diinta (The Somali people and religion)

Inside Kobe masjid

'Dadka Soomaaliyeed waa dad aad iyo aad u fiican oo muslimeen ah'


    Dad - people
    aad iyo aad - very    
    fiican - good

  Somalis have been Muslims for over 1000 years. It has become an important part of Somali identity. A mosque in Somali is a 'masaajid'. A Somali would usually greet another Somali with the Islamic greeting 'Assalamu alaykum' (Peace be upon you). A Somali Muslim would pray at least 5 times a day. The verb 'to pray' in Somali is 'tuko'. 'Waan tukanayaa' (I'm praying).  There are two main words for God, 'Allah' or 'Ilaahay' and the Somali word 'Eebbe'.


  1. I just would like to point out a spelling mistake. You spelled 'diinta' and 'muslimiin' with an 'ee' instead of 'ii'

  2. Well spotted. Just corrected it.
