If a feminine noun ends in a vowel other than 'o', or with 'd', 'h', 'kh', 'x', 'w', 'y', or in a glottal stop, then to make it definite change the 'ta' to 'da'.
duni - world dunida - the world
si - way sida - the way, method
mindi - knife mindida - the knife
bad - sea badda - the sea
nabad - peace nabadda - the peace
dhex - middle dhexda - the middle
warqad - letter warqadda - the letter
wasakh - garbage wasakhda - the garbage/rubbish
eey - female dog eeyda - the female dog
lo' - cattle lo'da - the cattle
Warqadda qor - Write the letter
Dunida cusub - The new world
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