Saturday, 5 March 2011

' I am an...' 'You are a ...'

Now that we know what 'baa' is, we can make statements about ourselves and others using 'baa'. For example,

Anigu ardeyga cusub baan ahay - I am the new student

The part 'baan ahay' means 'I am'. It focus on 'ardeyga cusub'. The speaker is introducing himself and is telling the listener that he is the new student.

baan ahay            - I am
baad tahay           - You are
buu yahay            - He is
bey tahay             - She is
baannu nahay       - We are (exclusive)
beynu nahay         - We are (inclusive)
beydin/baad tihiin  - You (all) are
bey yihiin              - They are

'ahay' comes from the verb 'ahow' which means 'to be'. The difference between 'ahow' and 'waa' is that 'waa' is not a verb but a classifier. Some example sentences using 'baa' and 'ahow'.

Soomaali baan ahay - I am a Somali
Nin xun baad tahay  - You are a bad man
Libaax buu yahay    - He is a lion
Naag wanaagsan bey tahay - She is a nice woman
Reer Yurub baannu nahay - We are Europeans
Odayaasha bey yihiin - They are the elders

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