Wednesday, 9 March 2011

Prepositions in Somali

In English, prepositions are words like 'at', 'in', 'to', 'for', etc. In Somali, there are some verbs that don't require a preposition, for example,

bax  - go away
joog - remain at
sug   - wait for

Then, there are verbs that require a preposition,

u sheeg - tell (someone)
u yeedh - call (someone)
ku dhufo - hit (someone)

Also, some verbs may need a preposition depending on the object. For example,
'tag' which means 'to go' can be used without a preposition when the object is a place,

Mareykan baan tagay  - I went to America

But when the object is a person, you need to use 'u' which means 'to'

Cali baan u tagay   - I went to Ali

Unlike English, in Somali the preposition comes before the verb,

Cali baabuurka u keen    -  Bring the car for Ali
 "             "       ka  "           Bring the car from Ali
 "             "       ku  "           Bring Ali in/with the car
 "             "       la   "           Bring the car with Ali

u    = to, for
ka  = from, away from, out of; about, concerning
ku  = in, into, on, at, with, by means of, using
la   = with, together with, in company with

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