Sunday 10 April 2011

Verb practice

Idris baan la sheekestay -  I talked with Idris
Idris baan la hadlay        - I talked with Idris

These two verbs 'dhegeyso' and 'hadal' are similar, but 'dhegeyso'  really means 'to have a conversation', whereas 'hadal' can be used even for moments of short, terse communication. 'La' is a preposition we covered before; it means 'with'.

Verb practise - please translate these sentences. 'Noqo' is a bit difficult so I've translated that one.

Xaggee - where?

Xaggee baad cuntay?
Xaggee baad seexatay?
Xaggee baad dhisatay?
Xaggee baad joogsatay?
Xaggee baad tagtay?
Xaggee baad fadhiisatay?

Maxaad - what?

Maxaad cuntay?
Maxaad  tagtey?
Maxaad  seexatay?
Maxaad  baxday?
Maxaad  joogsatay?
Maxaad  karisay?
Maxaad  dhisatay?

Maxaad u - why?

Maxaad u cuntay?
Maxaad u tagtey?
Maxaad u seexatay?
Maxaad u baxday?
Maxaad u joogsatay?
Maxaad u dhisatay?
Maxaad u soo noqotay? - Why did you come back?

Goorma - when?

Goormaad baxday?
Goormaad cuntay?
Goormaad seexatay?
Goormaad dhisatay?
Goormaad soo noqotay? - When did you come back?
Goormaad joogsatay?


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