Sunday 24 April 2011

Wuu ogyahay - He knows

'Og' is another of those irregular verbs. It means 'to know/be aware of'.

U sheeg inaanu tegaynaa - Tell him we going.
Wuu ogyahay - He knows

Person A: Keegaaga baan cunay - I ate your cake
Person B: Waan ogahay - I know
Person A: Raali ahow - I'm sorry

If you have a Somali friend or acquaintance, get him/her to pronounce the word 'og' for you. It is a little different from the English pronunciation.

Waan ogahay  - I know
Waad ogtahay - You know
Wuu ogyahay  - He knows
Wey ogtahay   - She knows
Waannu ognahay - We know
Weynu ognahay  - We know
Waad ogtihiin  - You know
Wey ogyihiin  - They know

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